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Blog de dksprintswartz
25 de Junio, 2009 · General

grand to listen

grand to listen to, and made a body thrill all over, but there wasconsiderable many tunes going on at once, and that was a drawbackto the harmony, you understand; and then there was a lot of Injuntribes, and they kept up such another war-whooping that they kindof took the tuck out of the music. By and by I quit performing,and judged I'd take a rest. There was quite a nice mild old
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publicado por dksprintswartz a las 15:54 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
25 de Junio, 2009 · General

Peters, you can'

When I found myself perched on a cloud, with a million otherpeople, I never felt so good in my life. Says I, "Now this isaccording to the promises; I've been having my doubts, but now I amin heaven, sure enough." I gave my palm branch a wave or two, forluck, and then I tautened up my harp-strings and struck in. Well,Peters, you can't imagine anything like the row we made. It was
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publicado por dksprintswartz a las 15:53 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
25 de Junio, 2009 · General

About this time

About this time I begun to run across piles of those traps, lyingin the road. I just quietly dumped my extra cargo along with them.I looked around, and, Peters, that whole nation that was followingme were loaded down the same as I'd been. The return crowd had gotthem to hold their things a minute, you see. They all dumped theirloads, too, and we went on.
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publicado por dksprintswartz a las 15:52 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
25 de Junio, 2009 · General

Then he disappeare

Then he disappeared in the crowd. I went on. A woman asked me tohold her palm branch, and then SHE disappeared. A girl got me tohold her harp for her, and by George, SHE disappeared; and so onand so on, till I was about loaded down to the guards. Then comesa smiling old gentleman and asked me to hold HIS things. I swabbedoff the perspiration and says, pretty tart--
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publicado por dksprintswartz a las 15:52 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
25 de Junio, 2009 · General

We begun

We begun to meet swarms of folks who were coming back. Some hadharps and nothing else; some had hymn-books and nothing else; somehad nothing at all; all of them looked meek and uncomfortable; oneyoung fellow hadn't anything left but his halo, and he was carryingthat in his hand; all of a sudden he offered it to me and says--
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publicado por dksprintswartz a las 15:51 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
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